Allen Ranch |
Tony Allen
Hunting Lease consisting of 10000 acres. Needs 6 men. Not hunted for 4 years. Some exotics available. Housing, feeders and blinds furnished. Want management- minded hunters.
Baggett "Bandera" Ranch |
Jack Baggett, Jr.
P.O. Box 790
Ozona, TX 76943
Season- Deer, Spring Turkey
8229 acres, 12 miles south of Ozona TX. 12-15 Hunters Beautiful New Hunting Lodge with porches Walk in Cooler This ranch has been intensely manages by Double B Outfitters Featured on Realtree Outdoors Rough Country with beautiful canyons and draws Perfect for corporate lease. Must see to appreciate. |
Ball & Strunk Partners, LTD |
Billy Bob Strunk
1500 acres, season lease in Crockett County on Hwy 163. Camper hookups, electricity and water, 2 hunters, $7/acre. Contact Billy Bob Strunk for more information.
Bill Black Ranch |
Bill Black
Ozona, TX 76943
Bob Buchholz |
Bob Buchholz
1251 CR 220
Eldorado, TX 76936
Phone (325) 650-5331
Hunting: Deer Hunting , Rifle Season Only, No Archery allowed.
4510 Acres, West Schleicher County can be split in two different Camps 4 Deer, 2Bucks, 2 Does per Hunter. |
Cameron & Oliver Rach CO LLC |
James Oliver
7000 acres available 33 miles NW of Ozona.
Cameron & Oliver Ranch Co LLC |
James Oliver, Jon Cluck
Ozona, TX 76943
Phone (325) 206-2589-James
Phone (210) 842-2935-Jon
Hunting: 7,000 acres available 33 miles NW of Ozona.
CGF&R Inc. |
Bill M. Brown, President
3306 Cedar Hill Drive
San Angelo, TX 76904
Phone (325) 812-4930
Provides Brush Control, including removal of invasive species (both mechanical & chemical control) from West Texas Agricultural land. Also-opening roadways, fence lines & hunting areas.
Clayton-Hill Ranches |
Z.R. Hill, Manager
P.O. Box 1969
Ozona, TX 76943
Phone (325) 392-2117
Fax (325) 392-2777
Cox- Mills Ranch |
Roger Landress
320 acres 45 miles Southwest of Ozona. No utilities $ 2500/ 2 gun limit. 1 blind, 1 feeder. Leased
Crockett Taxidermy |
Lance Criswell
605 Avenue J
P.O. Box 1564
Ozona, TX 76943
Phone (325) 650-2745
Taxidermy services including exotics.
Call for appointment. Whitetail Specialty |
Crockett Taxidermy & Processing |
Lance Criswell
813 11th Street
P.O. Box 1588
Ozona, TX 76943
Phone (325) 650-2745
Process wild game, taxidermy, ADC trapping, deer feeder filling.
Esperanza Ranch |
Ken Hartman
Year round lease. 1750 ac. $6/ac. 11 miles SE of Iraan on CR 305. This lease has water well and power for RV. Lesse receives 6 buck and 10 doe tags for whitetail MLD. Must follow MLD rules and guidelines. Other game on the lease: mule deer, turkey, javelina, dove, quail. There are no blinds or feeders. You will need to provide your own. Please contact if interested, will send map and lease form.
Howards Well Ranching Company |
Daun Williams
All hunters must comply with game management plan set by ranch manager.
Whitetail, turkey, quail, dove, hogs, and some exotics. Call for more details. Howard's Well: 3300 acres available for yearly lease. 25 miles southwest of Ozona on Pandale Highway, 8 spots available with primitive camp sites. |
Hudspeth River Ranch |
Alice Ball Strunk or Sylvia Craig
3160 acres, northern Val Verde County, 3-4 guns, deer, turkey, Aoudad, Varmint.
Has electricity and water. 3 year lease- $4 per acre first year. $5 per acre second year, $6 per acre the third year. MLD management for 25 plus years. |
Lester Wright |
20 miles, NW of Ozona. 5400 acre, year round lease. 14 hunters, 3 spots available. No guests.
Lowe's Market |
Len Hess, Store Manager; Mark Wood, District Manager
305 Avenue E
P.O. Box 1949
Ozona, TX 76943
Phone (325) 392-3324
Alt. Phone (806) 598-9159
Fax (325) 392-9194
Daily 7 a.m.-9 p.m.
Full Service Grocery Supermarket - We also sell Hunting and Fishing Licenses, hunting apparel, deer blinds, deer feeders and corn. |
Mark White/ Encino Blanco |
Mark White
Premier West Texas Hill Country Whitetail Lease
30 Miles SE of Sonora, 3500 acres Rolling Live Oak Country complete with Hunting Lodge, sleeps 8-10, with stands and feeders- turnkey. Whitetail deer under MLD management 4 years, plus turkeys, axis deer, hogs, dove and quail- Game Paradise! Corporate or large private lease ( 18 guns) year long- Call for details. |
Nolen Partners, LTD |
Craig L Nolen
5090 US Hwy 2775
P.O. Box 111
Eldorado, TX 76936
11,613 acres in W. Schleicher and N.E Crockett counties. Year around access for purpose of stands, feeder's etc. Owner provided 16 year around feed stations and distributes 24 tons of protein. Stands and corn feeders not provided. House with central heat and air, sleeps 10, not fancy but functional. Harvest will be based on annual survey each year, historically 14-20 bucks and 20-40 doe have been harvested with many years of past harvest records. Good buck/ doe ratio, looking for a group or corporate group to take management to the next level.
Perry Holmsley |
Perry Holmsley
2600 acres extreme Northeast Terrell County near Sheffield on Pecos River Whitetail, mule deer, javalina, hogs- no hunting past 20 years. 110 acres Southwest Crockett County- whitetail, javalina, hogs- no hunting in past 4 years.
Rafter S Ranch |
Rick Schilling
Rafter S Ranch is approximately 11,245 acres located in Crockett County. The ranch is approximately 8.5 miles South of Barnhart, TX, or approximately 20 miles North of Ozona TX. The lease is year round which includes access to the ranch for dove, deer, turkey and spring turkey season. No Quail or Varmint Hunting.
The yearly cost for the membership in the Rafter S Ranch lease covers both the cost of the land lease for the ranch and also the operating/ maintenance expenses for the hunting lease. Access to the ranch house, kitchen, bath, hot/cold water, A/C, refrigerator, freezer, bunks (no sheets or pillows) for approximately 10 people. BBQ gas grill, coffee makers. |
Todd Field/ Bean Ranch |
John Little
25 miles NW of Ozona, approximately 13000 acres. Rolling hills/ mesquite flats/ canyons, mesas & draws. $3200/ spot. Camp- RV hook- ups, water & electricity ( included), game cleaning facilities. Whitetail, dove, varmints, javelina, turkey, some quail, and occasional mule deer. Good to decent roads. Guest friendly
Triple C Hardware & Lumber, Inc. |
Russell Crenwelge & Cole Crenwelge, Owners
1116 Avenue E
P. O. Box 934
Ozona, TX 76943
Phone (325) 392-4123
Rental Office Phone (325) 392-9508
Fax (325) 392-9434
Mon-Fri 7 a.m.-5:30 p.m. (Open during the lunch hour)
Sat 7 a.m.-Noon Closed Sun Lumber, hardware, hunting & supplies, fencing, sporting goods, portable buildings, housewares, welding supplies, equipment rental. |
Wool Growers Central Storage Co. |
Max Schroeder, Manager
607 Avenue H
P.O. Box 1828
Ozona, TX 76943
Phone (325) 392-3731
Fax (325) 392-3891
Mon-Fri 7:30 a.m.-Noon & 1 p.m.-5 p.m.
Sat 8 a.m.-Noon Feed, hunting and ranch supplies. Wool and Mohair Warehouse. We sell Hunting & Fishing Licenses. Check out our line of Wool Growers spicy condiments, salsa & jelly, plus shirts and jewelry! |
XL Ranch |
David Gardner
Never leased in past 25 years.
Gateway to Big Bend Country- 16 miles SW of Ozona. 4000 acres. Hill Country, Canyons and Brush pastures, Seasonal creek draws. Deer/ Turkey / Javelinas Excellent Facilities. |